puremetics is on PETA's official list, cruelty-free cosmetics, personal care products, household products and more.
With our 3in1 shower fluff we even won the PETA Beauty Award in the “Beauty Best Body Scrub” category in 2023. An award with particularly great value for us.
puremetics was, is and will always remain vegan

Harald Ullmann, co-founder and second chairman of PETA Germany.
With the 3in1 shower fluff, Puremetics shows in an exemplary manner that animal ingredients and animal testing are a thing of the past.
Vegan and modern product creations are good for animals, people and the environment. We hope that many other companies in the beauty industry will follow this example and would like to congratulate you on winning the PETA VEGAN AWARD 2023 in the category “Best Vegan Pe
What is “PETA Approved” or “Beauty without Bunnies”?
“PETA Approved” is the German equivalent of PETA USA’s “Beauty without Bunnies” program. We collect and share information about cruelty-free companies, brands and products to help consumers make animal-friendly purchases.
The following FAQs were answered by PETA, not us.
Frequently asked questions about PETA Approved
PETA only includes pet food manufacturers with clear guidelines against animal testing on the positive list. These are companies whose company policy clearly takes a stand against animal testing and thus helps to avoid animal suffering and to completely eliminate it in the future. They assure PETA of this in writing, analogous to our cosmetics list - only then will they be included in the positive list. Many companies now address the issue of animal testing on their websites or in response to consumer inquiries. Their answers often need to be read very carefully to understand what is really behind them. Therefore, you will only find companies that have signed a so-called voluntary declaration. If you buy products from these companies, it will also convince other pet food manufacturers to abandon animal testing and switch to modern and reliable testing methods.
Cruelty-free – we are allowed to name products this way, but companies are not allowed to do so. Sounds illogical? It is. We would like to explain to you here what this is all about as simply as possible.
The underlying problem is legal requirements, specifically two contradictory EU regulations: on the one hand the cosmetics regulation, on the other hand the chemicals regulation REACH. The former states that data proving the safety of cosmetics and their ingredients must not come from animal testing. For the sake of simplicity, this is often formulated as a “ban on animal testing for cosmetics and their ingredients”. A great thing in itself! The problem: Based on the REACH chemicals regulation, EU authorities still require animal testing for many ingredients - so the cosmetics regulation is practically undermined. The fact that animal testing is hardly meaningful for humans and that non-animal testing methods would be more suitable is ignored. In plain language, this means that animal testing for cosmetics is still carried out in the EU.
But not all companies accept this - because some are convinced that they actually and completely produce their products without any new animal testing, despite legal hurdles. We at PETA Germany are convinced that it is very important to recognize the commitment of these companies. In addition, consumers should be able to easily recognize the products of these animal-friendly companies. This is exactly what we make possible with our global certification program and the awarding of the “PETA Approved Global Animal Test Policy” seal. The brands and companies we certify exceed existing legal requirements because they do not tolerate any animal testing - not even those that are required as part of the REACH program. We can therefore say with complete conviction: The companies and brands mentioned on our list do not carry out animal testing, do not commission animal testing and do not accept animal testing - so according to our definition they are cruelty-free. (Animal experiments that have been carried out in the past and can no longer be reversed are not included here; more on this in the following section.)
However, companies that advertise their products with terms such as “cruelty-free” or “no animal testing” must expect legal consequences. The authorities' justification: This is self-evident advertising - after all, animal testing for cosmetics and their ingredients is forbidden! However, as explained above, this is not true. Unfortunately, the responsible authorities are not interested in this because the legal situation is so confusing due to the REACH regulations, which continue to require animal testing. In addition, almost every common ingredient has been tested on animals in the past - often decades ago and without the influence of the manufacturers who use these substances today. Unfortunately, this can no longer be reversed - but today there are test methods available that provide meaningful results for humans and for which not a single animal has to suffer.
Along with the increasing number of companies and brands joining the PETA Approved list, we are committed to ensuring that no new animal testing is carried out - either under the REACH program or in countries like China In many cases, imported products require animal testing. So with our list and the logo “PETA Approved Global Animal Test Policy” you are on the safe side. The previous logo designation “cruelty-free” was renamed “PETA Approved Global Animal Test Policy” in 2019 due to the problem mentioned.
With our certification we want to offer companies and brands the greatest possible legal certainty. Even if they are not legally allowed to describe their products as “cruelty-free”, “certification according to PETA standards” is not a problem. And this certification requires that the relevant companies and brands worldwide no longer carry out, commission or accept animal testing - the same applies to their manufacturers and suppliers. So they are cruelty-free according to PETA requirements.
When a company promises something to its customers, its integrity is at stake. Anyone who announces that they will abolish animal testing and promises in writing that they will not carry out such experiments would be faced with a PR disaster if these statements were revealed to be lies.
If a company is interested in being included on our PETA-Approved list, they must complete an extensive questionnaire. It must also sign a declaration of assurance that the company does not carry out animal testing itself, commissions it or pays for it. And this not only applies to tests for the finished product, but also for ingredients and recipes. With this statement, the company also confirms that this will also apply in the future. If these requirements are met, PETA will add the company to the list.
PETA's online animal testing company lists are updated regularly. New companies are added or deleted when we e.g. B. find out about a corresponding company policy. Or even when a company ceases operations. The respective contact details will also be updated.
We want to provide people with up-to-date and accurate information about cruelty-free products. That's why we expanded our list from October 2018 to include individual cruelty-free brands - until then, only companies whose cruelty-free company policy applied to all of their own brands were listed. However, this meant that consumers were unable to identify cruelty-free brands made by companies that are not yet fully cruelty-free.
This change illustrates how far we have come since PETA published the first such list in 1987! In most parts of the world, cosmetics are no longer tested on animals. In some countries it is even illegal. And we will continue to work tirelessly to end the cruel poisoning experiments in China, Russia and several other countries.
This list includes companies that produce cosmetics, care products, cleaning products or other household products. Products for our animal companions, such as pet food or dog shampoo, can also be found here. According to the EU Cosmetics Regulation, animal testing for cosmetic products is actually not permitted – actually. Because there are exceptions, such as tests for the European chemicals regulation REACH or exports to China. In China, animal testing for cosmetics and other products is often required. Companies that are on our “PETA-Approved” list avoid such animal testing: They have consciously decided to produce products without animals having to suffer in experiments. Products from companies not on this list should not be purchased until a company policy is in place that clearly prohibits animal testing.
The list does not include companies that only produce products for which animal testing is required by law (e.g. pharmaceuticals or pesticides). Although PETA is of course against all animal testing, in this case we are committed to changing the legislation instead of focusing on individual companies. Nevertheless, it is essential to remind companies again and again that they also have a responsibility: They must convince the relevant authorities that there are better ways to determine the safety of a product.
All companies that are on our “PETA-Approved” list have signed a declaration of assurance and have guaranteed in writing that neither the company itself nor its suppliers carry out, commission or pay for animal testing. This applies to both the finished product and the ingredients and recipes.
Our “PETA Approved” page makes it easy for you to take a stand against animal testing: Here you will find a list of companies and brands that are completely cruelty-free. From cosmetics and care products to pet food and household products - all without animal testing! There is also a lot of background information on the different categories: Are there still animal tests for cosmetics? Why do animals suffer for pet food in laboratories? “PETA Approved” provides answers to these questions and helps you avoid animal testing in your purchases.
Companies and brands on the “PETA Approved” list have confirmed to us via a questionnaire and a declaration of assurance that they are completely cruelty-free - this means that they do not carry out, commission or accept animal testing. Our criteria therefore go beyond the incomplete legal situation and also cover loopholes such as animal testing within the framework of the REACH regulation and exports to China.
Companies and brands on the “PETA Approved” list have the option to use the PETA “PETA Approved Global Animal Test Policy” or “PETA Approved Vegan Global Animal Test Policy” logo on their products. This means consumers can recognize cruelty-free and, if necessary, vegan products at first glance.